Monday, October 18, 2010



Sunday, October 17, 2010

Goodies from Monte Cristo

Crispy Cinnamon Stick (6 for $2.70), Lemon Poppyseed Loaf (12 slices for $5), and large cookies ($1.50 each I think). They are all imperfect products or end pieces from the production line, but they look and taste perfect to me!

Just a Nice Sunday Morning Breakfast

Coffee, Carrot banana milk, grill cheese with tomato, and egg in a hole (?).

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Monte Cristo Bakery

Heard about this place in a food blog and I know my sweet tooth will one day pull me to this place. Apparently this is the bakery that provided all of Starbucks' baked goods. Its location is so discrete (next and connected to the huge Terra Sol building) that I have to take a photo of outside the place so I can find it next time. I will post some close up pictures of the goodies later.

Retirement Party

Went to a retirement party with great food and great people. But people were too excited about the main course (and too fast) that I did not get a chance to take pictures! All I can say is it was goooooood... Either way it was a great night. Thank the host and hostess for opening up their home to us. And happy retirement to B!

oh yeah, forgot to mention something to all the guys out there: there is nothing more attractive than seeing woman cooking in heels... Wowee~