Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween!

This year I figure I'll get into the spirit and celebrate Halloween. So I decorated my cubical and pulled out my wear-once-a-year shirt. But unfortunately on the day of Halloween I was stuck at my desk working on numbers coming from unreliable sources and getting the blame, while all the excitement happens just steps away from me. Oh well, such is life, SSDD.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Thanksgiving Lunch at Wings?

Here is my bird and here is my yam side dish. Who says I am not a traditional guy?

A Wall to Remember and Thank Steve

I made a trip to Apple Store this weekend and saw on the wall of the newly opened Metrotown Apple Store, people wrote thank you notes to Steve. Being the true Vancouver culture, the notes are in so many different languages. Mr. Jobs really changed the world.

Dressing Free Salad

I am sure all foodies will agree, we would rather eat good food than counting our calories all the time. So if there is any simple tricks to cut down on calories and does not change the taste (so we can live longer to eat more) then we are all for it. So my trick is throw away any salad dressings. There are plenty of things to add flavor without the fat and here are my favorites - egg (sunny side with yolk still runny), your favourite pickle, fruit, raisin (can't really see it in the photo), and lots of fresh grounded pepper.

Chashu Don at Q-Go Ramen

For only $6.50, this is really quite a good value. A large bowl of hot steaming rice, very nice juicy chashu (almost equal in amount to the rice), covered by Japanese mayonnaise and BBQ sauce, plenty of veggie (sprouts), topped by a good amount of shredded seaweed, and two halves of the golden half-cooked egg. The portion is really enough for two small lunches, and I am sure the calories are way up there too >_<