Friday, June 24, 2011

My First... Squeeky Wheel Experience

I think this is my first time of receiving a bouquet of flowers, and it is because a co-worker had gave all the ladies in the office peonies but left the guys out. So I jokingly said "where are my flowers?" And the next day, beautiful flowers from her garden. Of course I got some "you are one of the girls now" jokes, but I can take it, it is worth it.

But I have to say I do feel really bad, because this is a "squeeky wheel experience". I have always hated the saying "the squeeky wheel gets the grease" with passion. This saying is encouraging people to complain and whine about their life, and expecting someone else to fix it for them. I've always been taught to be modest, hardworking, and maintain a positive attitude of life, so I always mutter less than nice words under my breath when I hear people complaining without attempting to create a solution.

None the less, the flowers are beautiful. I guess you ask, and you shall receive!

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