Thursday, June 23, 2011

One Week After

One week after the Vancouver riot, things seem to be back to normal. The story is still news-worthy since businesses would start to press charges. But downtown Vancouver, even with the fences and plywood, feel just like the way it always has been.

Reading the messages and the scribbles on the wall doesn't really lessen what I feel about the riot, till I saw these paper cranes that symbolize wishes and hope.

It seems like Bank of Montreal have their glasses installed today - 3 vans from a glass company leaving just as I walked pass by. Things are getting back to normal.

But the black marks are still left on our city, and they will not be easy to erase.
near skytrain entrance at Seymour and Georgia

the parkade near Richards and Georgia

For some reason the flags in front of the library is at half-mast... seems kinda appropriate but I am sure it is for some other reason.

Vancouverites are Vancouverites, one riot does not change anything, we are who we are. It is up to those who have been here and seen who we are to make their own judgement.

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