Thursday, May 10, 2012

Blood Blog - Step 1 - Information

As I have mentioned in my previous blog entry, I am preparing to donate blood as a form of support to my friends running the BMO Vancouver Marathon. I've always wanted to donate ever since 2001 when I found out I am a universal donor (I've know I am an O since I was a kid, but not sure about the neg part). There was a mobile blood donation clinic that visited UBC dormitory where I lived, and I sat in to talk to a nurse about what donating blood is about and she tested my blood type then. For other health reason I did not donate back then, and since then I did not have an incentive to start, till now.

This afternoon I was just in the Canadian Blood Services clinic located on Oak and 32nd, Vancouver. I did as much research on the Internet as I could but still feel like it would be nice to have a human to talk to before I really have a needle stick in me. So I took a bus to the clinic and had a short chat with a lady there. Basically, if you are in good health you can donate. So the steps are:
  1. go online to register (did that this afternoon)
  2. confirmation email to set up account (waiting for that)
  3. set up an appointment (will do once I completed #2)
  4. eat plenty of protein and iron rich food to get your hemoglobin up (checked)
  5. make sure you have good meals and sleep before the donation, and have a snack an hour before so you have good level of blood sugar so you won't faint (need to remember that)
  6. show up at the appointment
  7. fill in questionnaire
  8. quick talk over with nurse regarding recent health
  9. lay down and wait for the needle
  10. have a cookie after you are done
Simple 10 steps, and you could save a life.

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