Sunday, January 10, 2010

Brunch at Milestone

Had brunch at the Milestone on Loungheed Hwy just because my brother have a gift certificate for the restaurant. I went to Milestones in Yaletown and Richmond before, and I ordered the Santa Fe Breakfast Burrito the both times. Those were two really enjoyable meals because the quality of the food and service was good and consistant the both times. So today I decide to order something different. I was in the mood for meat so I ordered the Grill Chicken Corn Hash, and my brother ordered the Prime Rib Hash and a Mimosa.

I did not ordered a drink because I will need to drive later. But the Mimosa sure looks good when it arrived.

I was a bit disappointed when the meals arrived, just because I didn't see a big chunk of meat on the plate. But when I started to dig into the food I was happy. The potato hash was crunchy, the eggs were well poached (even though I would prefer maybe half a minute less cooking time so I can get the fully runny yolk), the chicken was still tender even after being thinnly sliced and cooked with the hash, and the while thing was quite well seasoned, kinda tangy and on the sweet side. The whole plate became even better after I drizzled in a generous amount of tobasco sauce... Yum!

I was quite happy with the plate until my brother mentioned that our dishes were probably made of a week worth of left over grill chicken and prime rib (this is just a guess so don't sue me for writing this). However, if this is true, kudos to them for creatively use any excess materials. I am always a fan of creativity and efficiency, and if the food is still fresh and delicious like I had today when, by all means, count me in!

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