Sunday, February 6, 2011

La Regalade's Half Duck and Roasted Fruits

OMG!!!! I have never been so moved by food. I don't know how to describe it, but I just felt there was a few moments when I just want to slowly let the flavor melt into my tongue. Usually when I have something good, I cannot wait to have the next bite - the more the better - and stuff my senses with all the flavors. But this time, I just want to slowly let the savory duck and tangy sweet roasted fruit slowly fuse into me through my mouth. Very odd. Even the cold leftover I take home in a box looks and smells great.

And their desserts... oh, I think it is totally worth it to just go there for the desserts. The waitress took about 5 minutes describing all the desserts they have, and it felt like an hour because you can't help but imagine the pastries, tarts, fruits and nuts mixed into a divine creation... but no! the best part is you don't have to imagine! they have all the desserts made and laid out near the entrance of the restaurant so you can just go and point to the one(s) that is calling your name...

Yeah... I have to take pictures of what is leftover because my old iPhone doesn't have flash and the restaurant is pretty dimmly lighted (comm'on iPhone 5!). But you can see how large their portion is because picture only showed what I cannot finish, and I am not a small eater.

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