Sunday, February 27, 2011

Steamed Sausage and Root Vegetables

Yeah, can't get any whiter than this. Store bought sausage with potato, carrot, and taro root (okay, maybe the taro root is not very white, but it tastes good steamed). I slit open the sausages cuz I had no idea how long it takes to cook it through, but this made all the juices came out and half of the pot is filled with sausage fat... yum?

But the little Chinese boy in my still want to Chinese this up a bit, so other than salt and pepper I have hoishin sauce and my trustee marinated minced meat handy... you know, just in case.

 I was too greedy and the beets and half of the carrots I cut up cannot fit in to my steamer-set-up. So I have to take it out and just microwave it instead. Only dressed it up with a little salt, pepper and white vinegar - easy.

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