Monday, July 18, 2011

Mussels with White Wine and Herb

Well, this weekend was a weekend of two "firsts". First time cooking fresh mussels and first time cooking with non-Chinese wine. I never had a chance to cook mussels, but I have hear it is a great choice for seafood since it is relatively inexpensive, easy to cook, and great presentation of the final product (the cute pointed shells sell themselves). So since I got a bunch of mussels from a friend I figure it is the perfect time to jump in. I got a simple recipe from La Regalade's cook book, so that means it is tested and tasty.

The recipe only called for mussels, butter, onion, parsley, whipping cream, white wine, and black pepper. Quickly cook the mussels for 3 minutes in the above ingredients and it's done.

I have to say (again) I am terrible at following recipe - I used milk instead of cream, I just picked whatever white wine on the shelf, didn't care about the what taste/smell notes the wine has, I added lemon myself, and measuring cup, what measuring cup?

 But! The end result is still good! The mussels are nicely plump, the sauces are too good to leave behind... not bad for a first try eh?!

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