Saturday, July 23, 2011

The Three Lions Cafe

I was just in the mood of celebrating after a long but good news week. So when I knew I am going to the Three Lions Cafe (hm, TLC eh? Exactly what I needed.) I knew I am going to order a drink to go with its famous traditional English pub food.
 The quote reads: Work is the curse of the drinking class. - Oscar Wilde

So I ordered a Crown Float, which is consisted of half Guinness and half Strongbow cider. I never realized you can mix Guinness like this, and isn't it the perfect thing for a Friday night.
The Guinness stays on top so its strong taste get you in the mood right away, but later when the cider below is sorta mixed in then it's a very easy drinking concoction for the rest of the meal.
Famous Bangers and Mash - Cumberland sausage served with buttermilk mash, onion gravy and Yorkshire pudding. I am usually not a big fan of Yorkshire pudding, but at TLC the pudding is shaped like a bow so it maximized the surface area to gravy ratio... yum. And apparently the sausage is heavenly too...
 Fish and Chips - usually made with sole but tonight with tilapia.
 My Sirloin Steak and Chips - Marinated in herbed extra virgin olive oil, grilled to medium rare and served with house made chips. I was just in the mood for red, red, red meat, so I ordered medium rare. Came out a bit more cooked than I expected but because it was well marinated the beef is still tender and flavourful.
Overall, good eats, good atmosphere, good drinks. I will definitely come back for more TLC!

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