Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Green Onion Pancake

Not sure why I decided to make some green onion pancake, maybe I was craving for something doughy. But it was a weird decision considering I still have some store bought frozen ones in the freezer. Anyway, it was an educational experience. Apparently it makes a difference between using room temperature water vs. boiling water to make your dough. Flour absorbs more liquid when it is hot, so for things to be pan fried, it is better to use a dough with higher water content, hence a dough made from boiling water. For items to be steamed or boiled, there are plenty or water in the cooking process so you don't need more liquid in your dough, so room temperature dough would suffice. As for ice cold dough...which I've heard of, not sure why you would do that.
Doesn't look too bad in the pictures, but it really was not a great success. I added too much oil with the green onion, so it made it difficult to roll and shape the the dough. And only after I went to bed last night, I remembered I forgot to put some oil in the dough, so the pancakes turned out a bit tougher than I liked. Well, you learn.

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