Sunday, November 7, 2010

Halloween at Metrotown

Made a mistake going to Metrotown on Halloween. Although cute and fun to see kids dressed-up and running around reluctantly excited about candies, they just get in the way of a good shopping day.

Interesting observation - there are two types of parents on Halloween, one that runs around just as excited as the kids with video cameras on their hand filming every single moment of kids grabbing candies (now to think of it, I don't think I even heard the kids say Trick or Treat!), the other type... well, you can tell they just wish they never had children.

Had to take a photo of the pumpkins on display. See how many people are posing in front of the black-spotty pumpkins? Wait, black-spotty? You guessed it, the pumpkins are all moldy and rutting... Metrotown, I know you've spent a significant amount of $$ on these gigantic carved pumpkins, but please treat the pumpkins to a bleach spray so it would last till the actual Halloween.

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