Sunday, November 7, 2010

Momos - Lebanese Dumplings

So what a challenge it was to make your own dumplings. First I screw up on the dough because I over-worked it, then flattening the dough to a sheet you can work with is painful cuz the dough is very elastic. Luckily my friend did a great job seasoning the fillings (cumin, ground ginger, masala something something... anyway, not the typical spices Chinese people use so I can't remember the names). But the hard part comes, actually wrapping these suckers.

First try is a gigantic fail, but at least it look like shu-mai/dimsum so it is still in the food category. But after watching a clip on YouTube I start to get the hang of it. The trick is keeping your left thumb in the fillings and keep pinch the wrapping against your thumb with your right thumb and index finger. If that doesn't make sense don't worry about it, practice make perfect.

Well we were supposed to make two batches of these dumplings, but the second batch became meat balls at the end of the night, and they will be damned good meat balls I tell yah!

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