Sunday, June 10, 2012

2012 May Taiwan Trip - Day 3 - Point 02 - 風櫃

The second place we were taken to was 風櫃, which is famous for hearing the sounds of the tides, and the amazing sight of water column spray towards the sky because of the strange rock formation formed through many years of erosion. However, the water column is only spraying when the wind comes from the south, which only happens less than 5 days a year.
This odd looking building marks how high the water could spray when the right wind comes, roughly about 3 stories high.
The rocks on Penghu islands reminds me of "the Thing" of the Fantastic Four... chuncky...
This is the gutter eroded through out the thousands of years...
and this small crack next to the gutter, is where the water would be spewing if the waves are hitting it from the right angle. No water right now, but you can hear the sound of the ocean, hitting against the rocks, slowly eroding the rocks away even more. Oh, and my foot was there...

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