Sunday, June 10, 2012

2012 May Taiwan Trip - Day 3 - Point 08 - 漁翁島鄉村美食 (Lunch)

Lunch time! sorry for the blurry photos, I was hungry...
Raw oysters - oysters in Taiwan are smaller, about the size of the tip of your fingers, but they are packed in flavour. Eating it raw with wasabi, a drip of soy souce, and green onion is the perfect way to emphasize the natural flavour..
 Soft boiled squid with sweet mayo.
 Stir fried "sea snail"?
 "Red Bride" fish steamed with salted daikon - lots of tiny bones...
 sea urchin scramble egg... really? sea urchin? scrambled?
 seaweed fish soup
Stewed "cat tongue snail" with pork intestine, pork, and pressed tofu - the cat tongue snail looks like a very small version of abalone, very hard to clean and take a long time to cook to desired softness. It is definitely rare.

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