So the first thing to greet me downtown is, of course, a almost naked man. He is skillful on his unicycle, but I fear he is a bit squished... by the crowd I mean.

So this is "the hype"? Sooooo many people!!! I cannot remember ever seen so many people in Canada! The entire Robson St. is closed down for the crowd. But apparently that is not enough. It is good to see us Canadians are so patriotic that we all wear red for the event.

Well, not this kind of red. But she is a cute copper cowgirl who everyone want to take picture with.

The famous zip line in front of the art gallery. The news say a three-hour wait is normal... well, I hope people think it is worth it.

My favourite things downtown still have to be the shiny buildings. It is quite amazing how they can put on the advertisements on the buildings during the Olympics. They sure looks great.

Street-side performances are always the best part of the festival. Musics in the air brings up energy in people's heart.

I tried to walk towards the Olympic cauldron but only to find out I am at the wrong side of the street? The barricade around the Olympic fire is really quite rediculous. Well, I have to get closer!

So here it is, the sacred flame. I am just excited because Wayne Gretzky was here on the night of the opening ceremony.
On the way back from downtown was actually worse than coming down. I can tell there are tourists in town because Vancouverites usually don't shove themselves onto the train. Oh well, one day they will learn a bit of patience goes a long way.
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